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The National for Human Rights mourns the great activist George Isaac

The National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) in the name of President, Ambassador Moushira Khattab, the Vice President, the Secretary General, members of NCHR, all technical secretariats, researchers and workers, mourns the great fighter Professor George Izhak,  member of NCHR, who passed away today after a long journey of dedication to the empowerment of Egyptian human rights movement and Egyptian politics, during which he was one of the important actors in developing the concepts of Human Rights and the defense of human dignity throughout its long history in public work. NCHR recognizes his tireless work until the last moment of his life to advance the human rights system in Egypt and his solid defense of his positions and convictions, which represented a beacon and role model for generations of Egyptians of all affiliations. The great deceased left a great human legacy and a bright page in political history, history of the Egyptian, Arab and international human rights movement. May God have mercy on the deceased and bless him with his mercy.