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Ambassador Moushira Khattab appreciates the interest of the Senate in promoting the rights of children in identification papers

Moshira Khattab, President of the National Council for Human Rights (NCHR), appreciated the interest of the Senate through the Health and Population Committee, which held a meeting chaired by Representative Dr. Ali Mahran to discuss the proposal submitted by Representative Muhammad Farid, member of the Senate for the Coordination of Youth Parties and Politicians, to "enhance the rights of children in identification papers."

Khattab stated that Child Law No. 12 of 1996, amended by Law No. 126 of 2008 in its fifteenth article, guaranteed the mother the right to register her newborn, according to the rules regulated by the executive regulations of the law. She called for raising awareness of the periodicals issued by the Ministry of Interior and the Ministry of Health to facilitate children's access to the right to an identity by raising awareness of the mother's right to report and register the newborn.

Khattab announced the readiness of NCHR to organize training courses and build the capacities of workers in civil status centers in registering births and raising awareness of the Child Law, in cooperation with the National Council for Childhood and Motherhood and the Child Helpline System and in cooperation with the National Council for Women.