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NCHR lauds the Egyptian achievements in the promotion of Children’s rights

The world tomorrow is celebrating Children’s Day. On this occasion, the National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) lauded the Egyptian achievements in the promotion of children’s rights, which were strengthened by the announcement of President Abdel Fattah el-Sisi of the National Human Rights Strategy, crowning the Egyptian achievements to reinforce children’s rights. Under this framework, Egypt was among the first 20 countries to ratify the Convention on the Rights of the Child. Moreover, the country established the National Council for Motherhood and Childhood, having all the powers stated in the convention, hosted the World Summit for Children, issued the Children’s Law in 1996, which was amended in 2008 to keep abreast with international human rights standards. The NCHR stresses the importance of protecting the aforementioned achievements and building on them.

NCHR highlights its support for all the efforts of State’s authorities aimed at strengthening children’s rights and ensuring that all children are raised in an adequate environment and suitable for their growth and wellbeing.

The Council also points out the importance of the role of media addressed to children and persons working in children’s affairs. Therefore, NCHR stresses the importance of developing curricula addressed to poor children, benefiting from digital transformation and addresses drop-out of schools. Furthermore, NCHR highlights the importance of cooperation between the public and private sectors, and civil society organisations under partnerships contributing to boosting the rights of Egyptian children.

As the world celebrates Children’s Day, NCHR denounces the serious violations against Palestinian children due to the offensive Israeli practices and the killing and injury of children.