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Childhood and Motherhood and Human Rights hold a roundtable to discuss the psychological rights of children and adolescents

The National Council for Childhood and Motherhood (NCCH), in cooperation with the National Council for Human Rights (NCHR), held a round table to discuss the most important topics and issues related to the psychological rights of children and adolescents.

This activity comes within NCHR’s work plan in cooperation with the European Union. Ambassador Moushira Khattab, President of NCHR, appreciated the role of NCCH in bringing together a broad group of experts and representatives of civil society organizations who work in the field of children’s rights, especially since the NCCH serves the largest segment of the population, not only in terms of size but in terms of its critical impact on children’s rights. Human development efforts in Egypt and achieving the greatest return on investment in the Egyptian human being, including in the fields of education, health and social protection, noting that the right to enjoy the highest level of physical and mental health is one of the most important elements that must be paid attention to.

"Khattab" praised the steps taken by President Abdel Fattah El-Sisi in the field of women's and children's rights, including empowering institutions working in the field of human rights for these groups and helping the Egyptian family to fulfill those rights, the most important of which are the rights of children to obtain good-quality education and stop the bleeding of dropouts from education, which represents a violation. A serious matter for the rights of the child, pointing out that ensuring that every male and female child has the right to education and its completion will place Egypt among the ranks of developed and modern countries, and that the child’s enjoyment of stable mental health helps him benefit from his right to education, his right to participate in cultural life, and the right to scientific and artistic creativity.

Engineer Nevin Othman, Secretary General of NCCH, added that working to prepare an awareness program that enhances the mental health of children and adolescents is on the priority agenda of NCCH.

During the meeting, attendees from concerned partner agencies, whether governmental or civil society, discussed the programs being implemented by each party to exchange experiences and unify efforts. The meeting also discussed a number of important topics about preparing a strategic proposal for the mental health of children and adolescents, which aims to ensure healthy growth and provide a climate Suitable for building children and developing children’s skills and how to raise the levels of health and psychological services provided to them, as well as clarifying the concept of mental health and the differences and differences between mental illnesses, disabilities and behavioral disorders, and building the capabilities of psychologists working with children with the preparation of specialized scientific evidence in this regard.

The meeting was attended by a large number of representatives of ministries, relevant government bodies, civil society organizations and experts in this field.