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National Council for Human Rights Holds a “Training Programme” on International Treaties

National Council for Human Rights (NCHR) holds its first training programme on international human rights treaties and human rights protection mechanisms on the international, regional and national levels. From April 3 through April 6, the training programme is given to the researchers working at the NCHR’s branches in eleven governorates, which are Kafr El-Shaikh, Gharbia, Al Qalyubia, Port Said, Ismailia, Suez, Fayoum, Beni Suef, Asyūṭ, Sohag and Aswan.

The session on the first day addressed the means of promoting the roles of those working at the different branches regarding the fact-finding missions, field visits and the preparation of technical reports. The second day will include human rights protection mechanisms and international treaties regarding human rights.

In the light of developing the capabilities of the researchers working at the different branches, the NCHR holds a second training programme on The Sustainable Development Strategy (SDS): Egypt Vision 2030; the work of the National Council for Human Rights (2021-2024); the development of the complaint process and the importance of the orientation of report preparation inside the council.